The Science Behind Trataka Meditation

The Science Behind Trataka Meditation

Trataka’s origins trace back to ancient Indian sciences and are documented in two classical Hatha Yoga scriptures: Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Gheranda Samhita.

अथ त्राटकम्‌ । 
निरीक्षेनिश्चलदृशा सूक्ष्मलक्ष्यं समाहितः । अश्रुसंपातपर्यन्तमाचार्यस्त्राटकं स्मृतम्‌ ॥ ३१ ॥ 
मोचनं नेत्ररोगाणां तन्द्रादीनां कपाटकम्‌ । यत्नतस्त्राटकं गोप्यं यथा हाटकपेटकम्‌ ॥ ३२ ॥
“Looking intently with an unwavering gaze at a small point until tears are shed is known as trataka by the acharyas (teachers). 
Trataka eradicates all eye diseases, fatigue and sloth and closes the doorway creating these problems. It should be carefully kept secret like a golden casket”
Hatha Yoga Pradipika (Ch. 2, Verses 31-32)


निमेषोन्येषकं त्यक्त्वा सूक्ष्मलक्ष्यं निरीक्षयेत्‌ । पतन्ति यावदश्रूणि त्राटक प्रोच्यते बुधैः ।।53 | 
एवमभ्यासयोगेन शाग्भवी जायते ध्रुवम्‌ । नेत्ररोगा विनश्यन्ति दिव्यदृष्टि प्रजायते ॥ 54।। 
“Gazing at a subtle object without blinking the eyes, until tears begin to fall, is known as trataka. With constant practice of trataka, shambhavi mudra is achieved, defects of the eyes are removed, and divine vision is attained.”
Gheranda Samhita (Verses 53-54)

At the core of Trataka lies a deep belief that the eyes are a portal to the mind and consciousness. The practice also aligns with the yogic idea that the external world reflects the internal one. By mastering the art of focused gazing, one can control mental processes, eventually leading to inner peace and self-realization.

Trataka is a practice of precision that requires quiet, well-ventilated space free from distractions. A popular object for practising Trataka is the flame of a candle, placed at eye level about two feet in front. The focus is kept on the middle of the flame until the eyes begin to water. Internal Trataka can then be performed by closing the eyes and allowing the image of the flame to appear. The process is repeated until one can hold the image both externally without blinking and internally without wavering.

Trataka's principle of unwavering focus enhances concentration, a fact now supported by modern science. Studies have shown that regular practice improves selective attention and cognitive functions. Additionally, it has been found that Trataka helps increase awareness, calming both mental and emotional activity. Scientific studies have also highlighted its benefits in reducing anxiety, stress, and insomnia, as well as its positive effects on various eye conditions. As more research emerges, modern science continues to validate Trataka's impact on physical, mental, and spiritual levels. 

The practice serves as a gateway to mindfulness, and the heightened awareness developed encourages individuals to remain fully present. It is most effective when the object of focus is placed at eye level. Keeping these nuances in mind, we’ve designed candle stands specifically to enhance the gazing experience. Whether one prefers to sit at a table or on the floor, the different sizes of the stands ensure that the flame is positioned perfectly, allowing one to relax into the practice without straining their neck or eyes.

Trataka has long been a profound practice for internal cleansing and focus, and with our specially crafted tools, it can be effortlessly integrated into one’s daily routine.

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